Thursday, October 04, 2012

Astrological forces for Thursday October 4th 2012

Fascinating Combination of Astrological Forces Going on Today!

First we have the Moon's waning motion which is so distinct and different, important to acknowledge and adjust to.

Than we have the Sun's continual movement through Virgo which has its own unique charm!

Now, Mercury has moved out of Exalted Virgo and into Libra, BUT so very close to Saturn ....

And, the Moon is also in Taurus which is being aspected by Mars, Rahu and Ketu!

Add on top of that the fact that Mars and Rahu are so very close together...

and all these influences together give us the exact day we're experiencing upon the earth....

Of course, how we're each experiencing this day, will depend on our individual charts ....

Though that's another story ....

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